vrijdag 27 mei 2011

A look in the garden

Making the garden ready for summer.. unfortunately summer is coming through slowly

Have a good weekend

Who said students are lazy?

The best steersmen are on the shore

Neighbor's cat looking through the mesh

woensdag 25 mei 2011

Bright night II

Starting to become a nightwalker. The town is so small, it's very likely to bump into someone you know.. even at 02:00 in the morning, 2 nights in a row :-)


Walking the streets

02:00 - Ryan

dinsdag 24 mei 2011

Bright night

Since classes have been cancelled - due to the volcanic eruption I had no reasons to wake up early and couldn't really sleep either. Together with a bottle of tea I enjoyed the bright night at the breakwaters.

Apparently I wasn't the only one who had trouble sleeping - Ingrid showed up after a while, spending her last night in Ísafjordur before heading back to Norway some hours after..

02:10 - as dark as it gets


02:40 - its light again - Ingrid & me on selftimer

zaterdag 14 mei 2011

Swimming with 5°C

The beach, sunshine and a drink.. what more do you want?



Warming-up sessions

Therese the Norwegian queen

Keeping the reputation high

vrijdag 13 mei 2011

Losing sense of time

Hey all,

The darkness is starting to dissappear. I just made this picture 10 minutes ago (22:30) showing that the sun is still shining and my neighbour is fixing his garden as if it is daytime!

My body is also evidently confused by this brightness, I did not manage to sleep before 3:00 in the morning the last couple of days :-)

Have a great weekend!

22:30 at night

zondag 8 mei 2011

Most westerly point of Europe - Bjargtangar

Hello cyber world,

This weekend we went to Bjartangar, which is the most westerly point of Iceland and therefore of Europe (and only 300 km's away from Greenland). The sheer cliffs are a continuous rock wall and extent for around 14 km's, with the highest point being 400 m above sea level.

On the cliffs a huge number of sea birds nest and breed. In the past men from local farms collected the eggs and caught birds along the cliff face, descending by rope. The cliffs are the country's largest cliff-bird colony and are unique even by world standards.

The weather was more than beautiful and while driving we fell from one amazement into the other with those rapidly changing landscapes..


Sit and drive.... Vamos

Km's driving without oncoming traffic

Perfect weather to spot whales (we saw one porpoise)

One of the many waterfalls

A farm dog checking out on us

Oldest steel ship in Iceland, from Norway, stranded in 1981

A lot of oyster catchers breeding next to the road


The clearest water we have seen in the Atlantic

An ''ohhh'' moment. We did not expect to see this

Beautiful farm

Moss, moss and more moss

Stranded whale.. stretching on a soft bed

More space

White sandy beaches.. in Iceland

Job in his element

..and Suse as well

Fulmar (can you see him?)


Looking into the depth

Team birdwatchers

Laying on the edge

You should not be afraid of heights

Gracefully floating through the air

We also had some time for sunbathing

A wealth of beautiful views and colours

The first puffin I have seen in my life

The Bjargtangaviti lighthouse

Enjoying the abundance of Sun

On the way back we passed many fjords

....and different types of terrain and roads

Blonde haired Icelandic ponyhorsepony

We are almost home now.... it is 21:00 and still light